So today is my admission date and also the day I received my port. This official name for this port is a Triple Hickman Line or Central Venus Catheter. My doctor actually knows Dr. Hickman who created this port for children. The line was so incredibly effective, that it is now the standard of care in transplants.
The purpose of the port is to for me to be able to receive medications/treatment, hydration, and to serve as an access point for taking blood, which will be done at least daily. This avoids me having to get an IV every time, which I am totally in favor of. The line is threaded into a vein in my chest and has 3 lines hanging out of it where they will hook up my meds or draw blood. These lines are actually called Lumens. My sisters and I were saying the other day how pretty the word Lumen is. Like if a restaurant was serving a Sparkling Lumen Cocktail, I would order that.
Placing the port in my chest is a minor surgical procedure. However, for me, even minor surgical procedures require a platelet transfusion, which I got this morning. I have received at least 10 platelet transfusions so far and only had a reaction to the first one. I got a tiny little hive on my chest. Not a super huge deal but one that has to be addressed. I was given Benadryl and the hives subsided. Because of that little hive, I now receive Benadryl every time I get a transfusion. It’s at the point where I don’t even mind getting them because I know a little nap with coming them!
The protocol was no different today; I received my Benadryl and got my platelets. However, as soon as they were done, I started to get really itchy and notice hives on my chest and neck and all over my back. Yucky and itchy! So everyone was quickly alerted and more Benadryl was ordered, IV this time.

The hives eventually subsided but the port placement that was supposed to be at noon is now at 4PM. This is important to note because I hadn’t eaten since 10PM last night!! So by the time the procedure was done and I woke up from my crazy Fentanyl and Versed dreams, and declared fit to eat, it was like 7PM. I was ready to start munching on one of my lumens! Luckily the sweet nurses took note of my starvation and ordered me some food, which of course, was the most delicious thing I have ever eaten in my life. They also have Marino’s ices on the menu here!! This place rocks.
So as I type this, I am just here, hanging out with my lumens, waiting for my room assignment.

Port & Lumens
Sully went to run home to pick up the rest of my stuff. We brought one suitcase with us this morning, but didn’t want to hump the rest of it around the hospital all day. You know you’re in for some shit when you check into a hospital with a suitcase, some other bags and your pillow. Boo. I’m ordering a Marinos ice every single day I am here.
